Thursday, May 01, 2008

Korean Wave

Rain was ranked second on the TIME online poll on "who you thought should be on the list of the 100 most influential people of the year". His votes are much ahead of the number three: Stephen Colbert. Time described the result as a surprise. Well, Time is an American magazine and almost all of people listed in the Time 100 are Americans.

I bet most of Americans or Europeans do not know about or even have heard of Rain. Since I have lived in the US for a long time, personally, I don't know much about Rain either. However, I have heard of my Korean friends, Chinese friends, Taiwanese friends, etc. enthusiastically discuss Rain's TV dramas, songs, concerts, etc. If the director of Speed Racer have given the leading role to Rain, I believe the movie will attract much more worldwide audience, particularly more Asian audience.

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