Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pearl Anniversary

August 8th is my parents' 30th anniversary.

My dad was my mom's teacher in her medical school. In fact, my dad recruited my mom to the school. They dated for 3 years. They married just right after my mother graduated.

My dad is from Canton area and speaks Cantonese. My mom is from Sichuan province and speaks the Sichuan dialect. The difference between Cantonese and the Sichuan dialect is like the difference between English and German. My dad now speaks both Cantonese and the Sichuan dialect. My mom still doesn't understand Cantonese even though she has lived there for almost two decades.

Due to work, they had to live separately in two cities for 8 years after they married.

Even though my parents did want to divorce once, I have no doubt that my parents are in love with each other. My dad retired a few years earlier than my mom. During this time, my dad did most of the housework, from grocery shopping, cooking, to cleaning. Now both of them are retire. They do grocery shopping together. My dad does the cooking and my mom does the dishes.

Did I tell you that my parents still hold hands when they go out?