Saturday, December 27, 2008

Two-Week Vacation in Zhongshan

I got back to Seattle yesterday. I finished a two-week vacation at home with my parents. It had been a very relaxing time. I attended one of my cousins' one-month "anniversary" celebration, but missed my high-school's 100 anniversary celebration. I also saw some of high-school classmates and visited Macau.

I booked the discounted airline tickets. I had to get back to Seattle on December 26th. Meanwhile, my high-school was having 100th anniversary celebration on December 27th. I missed it just by one day. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the celebration.

On the other hand, one of my cousins got married last month. Somehow he and his wife and their families decided to celebrate their one-month "anniversary". They had a grand wedding ceremony with more than 500 people attending. Since I was at home, I was invited to their anniversary dinner.

I graduated from high school for more than 10 years. We are doing different things. I saw some of my classmates from high school during my visit. Surprisingly, I heard another two of them got married with each other!

Macau is just south of Zhongshan. It takes less than one hour to get there from Zhongshan. I finally visited it on December 18th with my parents. Here are some pictures.

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