Monday, April 10, 2006


As I told many of you that I started to like ski, this winter season I invested on downhill ski gear. I have used it for three times already. One of my most exciting progress is that I got to the blue runs.

Last Sunday, Amenda and I went to Stevens Pass for downhill ski again. Even it was snowing and rainning. we had fun. Until 3pm in the afternoon, I came to the lower section of a blue route. It was quite a flat area, yet my speed was pretty fast. When I tended to slow down by making a turn, I created a "2-point yard sale". I fell on the snow, with my left ski at least two yards away from me. Amenda who was just in front of me saw me fall. She immediant asked me if I was all right. For a second, I couldn't move. I said to her: "No." I kept laying on the snow. Then I saw two ski patrols come to me. They first checked if I was conscious, then asked me how I fell. They also requested first aid staff. When we were waiting for the first aid staff, Amenda and the two ski patrols kept making sure other parts of my body were all right.

I didn't exactly know how I was taken down the hill. When the first aid staff came, they first put me into some flat equitment used deliverying injuried persons on the snow. I guess it was some sort of slide. They said I was wrapped like a taco. My ski and poles were also wrapped with the flat equitment. The first aid staff then quickly took me down to the first aid room.

I was all right, except that my left ankle was twisted a little bit. I have to rest for one or two weeks before I can do any sports again. Ski season will end within a week. It meant to be my last ski of this season.

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