My new year’s wish is to get a boyfriend.
I’ll turn 27 on January 29 this year. I’m getting “old”. My mother started telling me I should start thinking about “my personal life” ever since I handed in my thesis in August 2004. One of my cousins, who is three years younger than me, and I’m very close with, sent me a new year card saying that what he and a lot of our relatives wish to see most is that I’ll have a boyfriend in 2006. One of my labmates, who is like my big brother, started to tell me I should find a boyfriend last December when he was upgraded to be a father.
I think I’m getting old. I should start thinking about “my personal life” as my mother said. I have some guy friends here in the states, but somehow they never attract to me. At least, they never express their interests. Wait, most of my guy friends are either married, or with long-term girlfriends.
As a person never has a boyfriend, I think I need to take a course or some sort of certificate program to learn how to get a boyfriend. So I asked tips from my guy friends and girl friends on how to get a boyfriend. One guy friend told me I should join different clubs/associations, like hiking, climbing, something like that to make new friends. Another guy friend told me I can go to café/tea shop to meet people. He also told me I should be confident, as guys like girls to have confidence. In 2006, I’ll go to café/tea shop more often then. As for different clubs/associations, I’ll look into that. All my girl friends, who have boyfriends, are very feminine. So I think I should be more feminine. I’ll wear feminine clothing, and some makeup more often.
My friends, more suggestions/advise are welcome.^_^.